Friday, April 17, 2015


I've gotten to watch you grow
and now it's time to go.

You're all pretty neat
which makes this bittersweet.

I have to go today 
but I really wish I could stay

Treat Mrs. Nabors right
try with all your might.

I know you'll do your best
next week on the STAAR test!
Image result for blog
Good morning guys,

      I'm very sad that it's my last day. I have enjoyed teaching you guys and learning alongside you. you have been teachers to me as well as students.

     Today we're going to continue on with poems since it is poetry month. I would like to see you challenge yourself with more than just acrostic and shape poems. 

1. Go to this teachers website again to look at different types of poetry. Choose one to write.

2. Comment on 3 classmates blogs.

3. Write a slice of life.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Blackout Poem

Image result for fish in a tree

Have a plan

Don't give up

The answer is in the knight


I've gone from invisible to INVINCIBLE

Friday, April 3, 2015

Limerick/ Free verse

Image result for blue dog

There was a shaggy dog that was blue.
His color was a bit taboo.
He lived in a town 
where blue made  you frown,
when people saw him that's all they could do.

One day on the road
he met a green toad
that was lucky as green should be.

As they walked along 
the dog sang a song
of the troubles of being blue.
The toad listened politely 
as he hopped along lightly 
thinking of what he could do.

They came to a fork in the road
near the pond that was home to the toad.
There came a thought 
which didn't happen a lot
to help the dog lighten his load.

The toad pushed him in 
with soap and a grin 
and told him to wash and scrub
 and then he exclaimed "Don't forget the dubba dub dub!"
What a disaster that would have been!

when the dog was done 
he got out and spun
to see what difference the bath had made
he was elated and exclaimed 
"What great magic you have done!"

The dog was now gold
what a sight to behold!
It was color the town
could not put down
for this was an event untold.

Image result for gold dog CARTOON
(the dog and the toad live happily ever after)


Image result for spring

Summer's almost here!
People all feel cheer
Right now flowers prepare to bloom
I can't wait to see them grow
Now everything is turning green
Gone is the cold. 

How wonderful this time
Around Easter  
Something we celebrate in many different ways.

Small animals are waking from their sleep
Preparing to make the world
Ready and new and pretty
Underneath the soil a
New seedling is ready to break the surface
Gaining life in the bright yellow sun

shape poem

Friday, March 27, 2015

writing days

Image result for staar WRITING memesImage result for staar WRITING memes

I have watched you guys write, play chicken game, and talk about writing rules. I am confident that you will do well if you TAKE YOUR TIME, READ CAREFULLY, AND JUSTIFY ALL YOUR ANSWERS!

This test shouldn't make you nervous. You've been practicing all year so just do what you know how to do. This won't be the end of the world.